The following products have been found matching your search "reparaturkit": 86
Or did you mean: REGULATOR | regulator repair kit | regulator repair kit | return valve | CO2 regulator board, | CO2 regulator board | Key, CO² bottle regulator | co2 regulator repair
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Order number: 220118662
Restaurant uptime kit ABS 2.0 Cornelius ABS maintenance kit ensure operability of restaurant, by fast replacement of the most stressed parts. Restaurant uptime kit for ABS 2.0 is fine-tuned spare parts packages for your Automated Beverage System from Cornelius.
€0.83 *
Order number: 220116830
CO2 primary regulator, 1x7 bar, left CO2 primary regulator, 1x 7 bar, 2 x G 1/4'', right
€0.83 *
Order number: 220118660
Restaurant uptime kit ABS 1.0 Cornelius ABS uptime kit for a quick maintenance and fast and safe part replacement will ensure operability of your restaurant. Cornelius Uptime kit for ABS 1.0 contains optimized package of spare parts, for fast service maintenance of...
€0.83 *
Order number: 149544101B
CO2 regulator board, 1x 7bar prim.regul. CO2 regulator board, 1x 7bar primary regulator, in hp hose W 21.8mm, out\nshut off valve G1/2"\n
€0.83 *
Order number: 149544103B
CO2 regulator board, 1x 3bar prim.regul. CO2 regulator board, 1x 3bar primary regulator, in hp hose W 21.8mm, out\nshut off valve G3/4"\n
€0.83 *
Order number: 149544201B
CO2 regulator board, 2x 7bar prim.regul. CO2 regulator board, 2x 7bar primary regulator, in hp hose W 21.8mm, out\n2x shut off valve G1/2"\n
€0.83 *
Order number: 149545201B
CO2 primary regulator, 1x 7bar + 1x 3bar CO2 primary regulator, 1x7bar + 1x3bar, in coupling nut W21.8, out shut\noff valve 1x G1/2"+1x G3/4"\n
€0.83 *
Order number: 220112632B
CO2 secondary regulator, 4x 7bar CO2 secondary regulator, 4x 7bar, in 10.3mm barb connector, out 4x 7.3mm\nbarb connector\n
€0.83 *
Order number: 220113230
CO2 primary regulator, 1x 7bar CO2 primary regulator, 1x 7bar, in coupling nut G 3/4", out 7.3mm barb\nconnector, connection left\n
€0.83 *